Letters from Uncle George [8 o’1]

All of My Help Cometh From The Lord

Dear Anita,

The rendition of Psalm 121 in a song titled “My Help” written by Jackie Gouche Farris was introduced to me by a good friend. It has become a favorite of mine and I sing it with this friend frequently.

Yesterday was the second Sunday I would be in church in 8 Sundays. Two Sundays ago when I was in church to give thanks that God has sustained the family for a whole year after Grace’s death, I walked in using a walker. Yesterday, I walked in without the aid of a walker or crutches or even a walking stick. It is exciting to be able to walk again. I am sure that I will need some physiotherapy before everything becomes normal but at least I am now walking.

i asked my pastor to give me a few minutes to give a testimony in song. Yes, you guessed it. I sang “My Help”

it is the Lord that has continued to sustain me. The healing of my knee has been quite fast. I have no reason to even consider looking for help from other sources. The Lord is my healer. All of my help comes from the Lord. I hope that you can also say that ALL of your help comes from the Lord.

George Buremoh

The Farting Tension

I seriously have no idea where this one came from. I was in a bus thinking my many thoughts

pic. from Live,Love, Laugh Blog

when these three words jumped off of somewhere and landed in the frontline of my thoughts. Life really has got a sense of humor, hasn’t it? So the three words “the farting tension” were suddenly here and meant to stay so I decided to give it a little thinking consideration. I couldn’t help but enjoy a good amount of laughter!

Have you ever met a couple who never let the other hear them… you know…fart? Hehehe, it’s a pity piteous (Ama. T, 2015). It really is! Meanwhile, they won’t have time enough to walk outside to a more spacious area to freely do it. You know what happens? They do it, willing all their strength to make it happen silently and hope to heavens it doesn’t smell as bad. But of course it does, and then when the farting power has taken over the natural air inside, the other party starts to feel irritated and a little angry at this sudden ambush. Meanwhile the farter starts to do everything they can to make this mistake pass quickly and forgotten. Is that even possible? Fart that powerful? Lol. Anyway, they might stand still to try to not spread the ‘infection’ or move around quickly to diffuse the amount of power or better still, start talking quite loud or fast to distract attention or maybe laugh heartily at something they said that was not even that funny. As if they could help make the situation any less uncomfortable. Hehehee

So I thought about it and came up with a solution (humor me, will you?) that I might definitely want to try myself…lol. This is it, that before couples get married or before friendships and relationships take off to that level where parties know what they are comfortable with and vice versa, they should diffuse the farting tension. J Somebody should initiate a tension-free farting environment, go as many and as ugly as y’all can go, laugh about it (because it’s actually really hilarious), encourage each other to really feel free about it and voila!, it becomes a tension reliever instead of one that increases it.

Will you try it? Really, don’t take life too seriously…